How to enter a new Birddog NDI Device

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Birddog Flex 4k IN & OUT

first go onto you computer. Connect a USB network adapter or change the netadapter which you are currently using on your machine. You have to change your network adapter settings to the same network as you NDI device is:

IP Adress: (15 is the new ip of your computer)
Subnet mask:
Default gateway: this is your router, but you can also let this field empy.

Now connect your new NDI device directly via CAT cable to your computer.

Power up your new NDI device – this can take up to two minutes.

Enter your webbrower and connect to the NDI user interface via entering it’s standard IP adress and pressing enter: (standard IP adress of you new Birdog Flex IN & Out converter)

Now the user interface webpage should load.

In the UI: go to network and change the settings to the settings you would like to use.
You can also set a new shortcut name.
Standard shortcut URL is: birddog-xxxxx.local (this does only work, if you have changed the ip adress of the new NDI device to work in your network.

Click the „apply“ button on the bottom of the page.
You instantly lost the connection to you device, but that’s ok!

Change now the IP adress on your computer back to it’s origin.
Try to connect to the web…

…or go directly to the new set IP adress of your new NDI device, which you set in the User Interface page.

You should now be able to connect the new device in you network.

It took me a while to get this done!
Hope I saved you some time.

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