
PTZ cameras in live productions

PTZ-Kameras bei einer Veranstaltung

Again and again I am asked why I like to use remote cameras for my productions.

PTZ cameras make my life easier and improve the quality of the show!

The cameraman who controls the PTZ cameras sits right next to me, the director, in the video control room. That alone makes communication easier. Since the cameraman is not only operating one camera, but several cameras at the same time, he also always knows which image which camera is currently offering.
This allows him to suddenly recognize contexts better than if he only had to watch one camera. As a result, he can plan ahead.

This newly gained foresight in turn enables him to vary and optimize the individual camera settings more. Suddenly, he has many more design options. More creative freedom ultimately leads to more exciting and varied live programs.

We would also be happy to implement your live show creatively and cost-effectively!

Just contact me. Until then, all the best!

Martin Lohr

PTZ-Kameras bei einer Veranstaltung
MGL Videoservices setzt auf spannende und kreative Live-Videoproduktion

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